It’s a Win for Us
Divine Rugwiro
Aiken high school
“What we're looking at is my teammates in soccer. We have grown so much. We were at West High field at night because it was a night game. We all have white shirts on, and everybody has different kinds of socks, also cleats— black, pink, blue, and purple, all kinds. And we are standing there after a game we lost. But because it was our first time we actually put so much effort in, you felt like that was a win to us.
“I see females that went from nothing to something when it comes to soccer. Half of the team didn't even know how to kick the ball, throw the ball. And it's like me and Rojina had to help them. So like when I see them, I'm like, ‘You came like a long way and you don't realize that.’ And I'm so happy. I was like, ‘Oh, you didn't even score but you did something you never did before.’
“So the girls are African American—I'm an East African descent. So I don't consider myself as African American—and then Nepali, and the rest of them are Hispanic. Oh, and every single time before our game, they'll bring food from their culture, we will eat together before the game.
“It shows strength because like, the whole season, we lost all our games. Every day though. we pray before we go out again. Like guys, let's just pray and be like, ‘God, this is in your hands.’We might not be good, especially like, the team we're going against. They might be better than us, but our bonds are gonna be stronger. So at the end of the day, it’s a win for us.”
Read Divine’s Illustrated Memoir, Change is a Part of Life.
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