This picture is in Colombia. It was before coming here. My mom was in Venezuela, and I was able to bring her to Armenia Colombia. It was the last trip we did together.
I come from a very united family. My uncles and aunts and everybody taught us to celebrate special occasions, birthdays, all together. Seeing this picture with my brother and my mom brings me back so many years to when I was little and seeing that my family was able to be together.
My family is distributed. I have a sister that lives in Chile, and it's been about nine years since I've seen her. I have my brother that lives in Colombia, and my mother lives in Venezuela.
My mother always tried to raise us with the values of respect and loyalty; and even now, despite all the problems around the world, I always look for a way to maintain these values.
En esa foto en Colombia fue antes de venirnos, mi mamá está en Venezuela y yo logré que ella viajara a Colombia donde nosotros estamos y fue el último viaje que hicimos. Lo que pasa es que yo vengo de una familia muy unida.
Mis tíos nos criaron donde cualquier cumpleaños o día especial, toda la familia estaba y ver a mi hermano y a mi mamá me traslada cuando era niña lograr que la familia estuviera junto y pasear, me hace sentir.
Por lo menos estar unidos somos a pesar de que podamos pelear mi mamá siempre Busco la manera de crearnos en base al respeto a la lealtad, y todavía que a pesar de todos los problemas del mundo, aún se pueden conservar los valores.