Bahati Muzenende
The picture you're seeing here, that's me. That's the real me. This picture was in Africa the same day I left Africa for the United States. I took this picture, to just keep it like as a memory, because it was one of my good days. It reminds me how much I just live the good life, like in two, three weeks, before I confirm that I'm traveling to the United States. So I was kind of enjoying life. I was forgetting everything which I passed through in Africa.
This picture shows me happiness. It shows me how I was about to make another step in my life because I was changing to another life- moving out of problems and going forward, maybe facing something pretty good in life.
I came by myself here. I have a wife and an elder brother, who is still in Africa. My elder brother also is in process.
It takes a lot of courage; it also takes patience. That's what they said, that patience pays. So I had to be patient. I had to just follow the process. You know, coming over here is not an easy thing. It takes years. It takes years.