hope was a powerful motivator
I was born in Bhutan and I lived 18 years as a refugee in Nepal. We came to the United States in 2008. These are my parents—the reason behind my success. When I look at them everyday, I see their hope turned into success. To me, hope is the driving force. They made so many sacrifices. They sacrificed their own comfort and their own familiarity, leaving behind their home, their culture, their language, with the belief that we would have more opportunity in a new country. This hope was a powerful motivator for me.
This picture was taken at Cincinnati downtown. It was on the day of their citizens' oath ceremony. It's a huge moment for my parents. I've never seen my father that excited. He worked hard throughout his life to feed us to take care of us. But that moment was awesome.
मेरो नाम हेम न्यौपाने हो । म एक पारिवारिक नर्स प्राक्टिशनर हुँ। म भूटानमा जन्मिएको हुँ। र मैले १८ वर्ष नेपालमा शरणार्थीको रूपमा बिताएँ। हामी २००८ मा संयुक्त राज्यमा आयौं । यी मेरा आमाबाबु हुन्–मेरो सफलताको कारण। जब म उनीहरूलाई हरेक दिन हेर्छु, म उनीहरूको आशा सफलतामा परिणत भएको देख्छु। मेरो लागि, आशा नै प्रेरणादायी शक्ति हो। उनीहरूले धेरै त्याग गरे, उनीहरूको आफ्नै सुविधा र परिचय त्याग गरे, आफ्नो घर, संस्कृति, भाषा छोडेर, विश्वास गरेर कि नयाँ देशमा हामीलाई बढी अवसर मिल्नेछ। यो आशा मेरो लागि शक्तिशाली प्रेरक थियो।
यो तस्वीर सिनसिनाटीको डाउनटाउन स्थानमा खिचिएको हो। यो उनीहरूको नागरिकता शपथ समारोहको दिन थियो। यो मेरो आमाबाबुका लागि ठूलो क्षण थियो । म भन्न चाहन्छु, मैले मेरो बुबालाई कहिल्यै त्यति उत्साहित देखेको थिइनँ। उनले आफ्नो जीवनभर कडा मेहनत गरे, हामीलाई खुवाउन, हेरचाह गर्न। तर त्यो क्षण साँच्चै अचम्मको थियो।