Fabiola Matumaine
Cincinnati State Technical & Community College
My name is Fabiola from Burundi, and I'm here to share my story.
[When I look at this picture], I see change. Happiness. Everything is really good. It feels happy. I see like, a bright future.
Life was really bad. We did not have like much food, drink or let's say clothes. So here, we wear beautiful clothes. My parents tried the best to take to save up some money just to buy us clothes make us feel happy. Here we have everything; we have opportunity. We have jobs. We are very thankful that we got here.
I hope to be a nurse working in the office. I wanted to start as the medical assistant because that's the right path. And then maybe later, I'll continue my education and study nursing. My dream is to become a nurse one day.
Read Fabiola’s Illustrated Memoir, Stories of My Life in Burundi and the United States.
Buy Stories of My Life in Burundi and the United States for $10.55.