Lindsey Valeriano
Aiken High School
This picture is the first day I got Zeus. When I see the first photo, he looks so scared because he was in a new space. He was with a lot of people because we were the ones who rescued him. We had like five, well six, people living in one house. So he was a little bit scared and curious.
Now he is really healthy; he is happy. He's really social. Now he's living with my cousin. That's really, really hard for me. I feel proud and a little bit sad. But at the same time, it was like, ‘If I can do this, I can do more.’
I was afraid of the change. Because, you know, it was different country, different people, you didn't know what could happen, because you don't know what kind of people are in the other country. And it is different. . . but at the same time, I see like, OK, this is a new opportunity to change things, to do better. Like, I was good at my school in Honduras, but here, right now, I'm very good at school. So yeah, I'm working really hard at school. Now I have I have a bunch of people in here at Aiken, they really make me feel like I belong in here, too.
What I learned from Zeus is, don't give up.
Read Lindsey’s Illustrated Memoir, My Journal.
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